Applied Award in Archaeology
Savio College offers to Year 9 students the option to choose Applied Award in Archaeology subject...
In the Footsteps of Don Bosco – Turin 2020
On the final day of the exams, within my year group there was a feeling of excitement that was almost tangible...
Robotics Romecup Experience
Romecup was a buzz word in Year 10 for the Savio Robotics Team. I’m proud to say that I was one of the 8 members of this team...
In the Footsteps of Don Bosco – Turin 2019
All of us Year 9s at Savio College, were all looking forward to the long-awaited pilgrimage to Turin...
Environmental Studies Sicily Fieldwork
There has been a lot of activities in my second year at Savio College, but my favourite activity by far has got to be our trip to Sicily...