"Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."
Typical School Day
Some students start arriving at the college as early as 07.00. During this time, as they wait for the first school bell to ring for assembly at 07.50, students can avail themselves of the games room facilities, and spend some time playing and socialising with each other.
After assembly, the bell rings at 08.00 for the first lesson. There are three forty-minute lessons. The bell rings at 10.00 for a short lunch break in the yard.
Lessons resume at 10.20 and after another three lessons, the bell goes at 12.20, for the one-hour long break. Students can choose to participate in various activities such as football, volleyball, badminton, cycling, skateboarding, countryside walking, gardening, pet and animal care, DIY & crafts, athletics, cooking and computer coding.
The break finishes at 13.15 and students have till 13.25 to return to their classroom. After the last two lessons of the day, the bell rings for the last time at 14.45.
Assembly (07:50)
Lesson 1 (08:00)
Lesson 2 (08:40)
Lesson 3 (09:20)
1st Break (10:00)

Travelling (10:15)
Lesson 4 (10:20)
Lesson 5 (11:00)
Lesson 6 (11:40)
2nd Break (12:20)

Travelling (13:15)
Lesson 7 (13:25)
Lesson 8 (14:05)
Transport (14:45)