Behaviour Management Policy

e. glass items: students are to use re-usable plastic containers f. cigarettes, alcohol and illegal substances: students are absolutely prohibited from smoking, consuming alcoholic drinks, and using substances prohibited by law. Students caught bringing such items or consuming such items on school premises will face consequences that will include the filing of a written report (sent to parents/guardians), and a suspension from school. In more serious cases, the school will report the abuse to the law enforcement authorities and the student excluded from school. g. pornographic material: students responsible for possession or dissemination of such material will be spoken to and counselled accordingly. A written report will be filed and sent to parents/guardians. In more serious cases the student might be kept after school, given a Saturday or suspended for a length of time as decided by the SLT. Desirable behaviour: learners are to refrain from getting prohibited items to school. 14 Design & Print: Salesian Press